Triple Triad

This is linked from my review of Final Fantasy VIII, if you somehow found yourself here, without direct guidance. Kudos~

I’ll admit straight-up that vanilla rules Triple Triad is a BLAST. If someone you know owns VIII, it’s worth giving it a whirl simply for TT. You can win a very healthy majority of the cards, without ever stepping foot outside of Balamb Garden. The problems only arise once you do. There are whacked-out rules like Random and Direct, where you don’t get to pick your cards, and you and your opponent each get to keep the cards that you claimed in that game. There’s also a super-irksome side-quest where you have to lose cards to get new ones made. Basically, most of the game is spent winning the high-end cards, one at a time, under ever-more-infuriating rules and stipulations. There’s two NPCs out there who each have an entire Level set to their names, but they don’t bring back the magic of those early halcyon days at Balamb, because of those damn additional rules. One turns the board into an elemental minefield. No thank you.

Obviously, if you’re going the route of modifying cards into stocks of spells, the whole process is going to take infinitely longer than it already does. But, still, playing in Balamb until you have all the cards available there, is a LOT of fun.